

10:00 - 17:00

Drive your own kart

You have your own kart and would like to drive on our track? this is certainly possible at Kartcenter Emsbüren! We do however have some rules you have to abide by!

The cost for an entire day with 1 kart and 1 driver is €46, Want to add another driver to that kart? every additional driver pays €23.

On weekdays we also offer half-day tickets, these tickets are available from 14:00 until closing time. Half-day tickets are not available on Saturdays and Sundays.

Please be aware that bookings for private drivers can ONLY be done through this page and has to be paid online! We do NOT take bookings via phone or email!

only AFTER you booked and paid online can you come around.

It is NOT possible to sleepover on our grounds, we also do NOT provide power! if you need power for whatever reason please take a silent generator with you, or bring battery powered tools. It is NOT allowed to clean your kart on our grounds with either water or chemicals, please do this at home.

Please note and keep yourself to the paddock rules that we have, to see them press this button:

Paddock Rules

Driving your own kart

The Rules!
  1. 01Always follow the instructions of the staff!
  2. 02Wearing a full face helmet with visor is MANDATORY!
  3. 03Wearing a racing overall is MANDATORY!
  4. 04Wearing (racing) gloves is MANDATORY!
  5. 05Wearing closed (racing) shoes is MANDATORY!
  6. 06Children 16 and under are required to wear a neck and rib protector!
  7. 07You are obliged to place a watertight cover on the ground under your kart in the paddock!
  8. 08You are obliged to take old tyres, oil and other waste back home with you. it is FORBIDDEN to use our facilities for this!
  9. 09It is strictly FORBIDDEN to drive 2 stroke karts on Sundays and National holidays
  10. 10Bookings for private drivers are ONLY possible through this page. No other means are provided or accepted!
Important information!
  • The rental karts ALWAYS have the right of way! you will alternate with the rental karts to use the track.
  • The personell will tell you when you can enter and when you have to vacate the track! entering the track on your own accord is strictly FORBIDDEN
  • underneath this information you will find the calendar. You can use this to estimate the busyness on a given day.
  • The calendar is purely informational. No rights can be derived from it under any circumstances!
  • It is entirely possible that on very busy days, you will have to wait for long periods of time to use track, because of booked packages and the like

Important information!

  • 10:00Hour | Opening of the gate and track
  • 18:00Hour | Track closed, time to pack up!
  • 18:15Hour | Grounds have to be vacated!


Here you will find the calendar, you can use this as an estimation for how busy it might get on any given day. It is purely informational and no rights can be derived from it. Information can be incomplete, especially if the date you are looking at is far ahead in the future.

Red blocks mean that the track is fully blocked at that time, and there will be no possibilty to drive your own kart during those. These can be booked packages, organized races or other events. If on a given day, it is not possible to drive a private kart at all, then this day will also not be bookable below.

Usually rental karts and private karts will alternate in blocks of 10 minutes on the track, when there are no rental kart drivers around, the track will remain open for the private drivers. Always listen to instructions given by staff.

Calendar Information and disclaimer

The calendar is PURELY informational as a busyness gauge and does NOT show the opening hours, for our opening hours please see the button “Opening hours” at the top of the page! In the bookings below, 09:00 is often given as the start time for technical reasons, this is however NOT correct! Here also applies: Stick to the normal opening hours!

Red means closed and therefore not possible to drive your own kart at this time. Once again: No rights can be derived from this calendar and remember: Rental always comes first.

Half-day Tickets

During weekdays we also offer half-day tickets, these are available to drive from 14:00 until closing time. NO half-day tickets are available on Saturdays, Sundays and national Holidays!

Half-day Tickets

Die Strecke in Emsbüren
